
Fine Art Prints

Fine Art Prints

Forever Love Prints

Forever Love Prints

from $18.00

When your mother asks you to create art for Valentine's Day, you say yes! Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this image is what came out of my brush. Finally painting a hummingbird which I have longed to do for quite some time. Hummingbirds represent Holy Spirit to me and Gods presence hovering over us, while daffodils represent change and red roses symbolize eternal love. We are ever in a season of change, but secure because His unchanging love surrounds us and grows us through them. When praying about what to create with the pinks requested , I knew this couldn't refer to simply human love, but the kind of love that permeates creation, holds friendships and families together, AND plants marriage oneness kind of love in a heart. It had to be about His forever love that effects all others.

Available in size 8x10” or 11x14”

Prints are printed locally by Commercial Printing and using Cougar 100lb paper, protected with a hard board and protective sleeve.

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